Get to know IGNITE

IGNITE is an Osaka global company that recognizes diversity and allows everyone to work actively

What are the differences from other companies and what are the advantages of working at IGNITE? We will answer the questions that applicants want to know.

What is IGNITE

A business aimed at overseas markets?

What's the difference from general marketing companies?

We will explain IGNITE's mission and business strengths.

Become a “bridge” between Japan and overseas

IGNITE can handle not only accurate analysis and strategy planning for overseas markets, but also advertisement management, website production, and system development work in one stop.

By providing deep knowledge of overseas markets and one-stop services, IGNITE will become a “bridge” connecting valuable products and services with overseas targets, and will liven up the world from Osaka.


IGNITE's strengths in business

IGNITE has multinational members. Since each member is familiar with the culture and customs of each country, being able to devise appropriate marketing strategies for issues is our greatest strength.

Also, by gathering members from different countries and cultures, they are able to have a multifaceted perspective, and new ideas are created. This also leads to a major driving force for IGNITE's business growth.

Global strategies that transcend borders

In the world, it is said that the “English population” that uses English at a practical level amounts to about 1.5 billion people, and when people who speak English as a second language are added here, it can be seen that even more people live their lives using English around the world. It is no exaggeration to say that business development that has grasped the bandwagon of this modern society where globalization is progressing will be important in the future.

IGNITE is developing services that specialize in “overseas marketing” to solve customer attraction issues not limited to the Japanese domestic market. Since multinational members gather, our strength is that we can accurately grasp the characteristics and culture of the countries we want to target, and plan and implement marketing strategies.

One-stop web marketing that produces results

When solving customer attraction issues, there are many cases where simply formulating a marketing strategy or simply creating a creative such as an advertisement or website does not produce results.

Also, even if you try to correct the trajectory, it is often difficult to adapt and it takes time and effort when the company formulating the strategy and the company requesting the production are different.

IGNITE can handle all tasks related to marketing in one stop, from strategy planning to creative production and system development. We will successfully attract customers reliably and efficiently while performing AB tests and analysis as appropriate in order to produce necessary results.

Differences from other companies in the same industry

General web production company

  • In overseas marketing, if you don't have a deep understanding of the culture and characteristics of the target country, it will be difficult to lead to results.
  • In a typical company, there are few staff with overseas knowledge, and it is also possible to end up with strategies and creative productions without a deep understanding of overseas countries.
  • In the translation business, there are many cases where products are produced as machine translation, and since the scope of support is limited, they are only involved in part of overseas marketing.


  • IGNITE has multinational bilingual members, and since they are familiar with the culture and characteristics of each country, we are confident in the high quality of our marketing strategies and products.
  • When it comes to translation work, we thoroughly implement localized expressions rather than simple literal translations, and native checks by multiple people are essential, so we can guarantee a certain level of high quality for any delivery.
  • Since they are involved in overseas marketing in one stop, their strength is that they can flexibly handle trajectory corrections, AB tests, etc., and efficiently and reliably lead to results.

Current state of the industry and challenges

What are the current challenges and possibilities of the overseas marketing industry that IGNITE is involved in?

We will delve into the current state and challenges of the industry.

The scarcity of information networks connecting Japan and overseas, and the huge potential for overseas markets

The overseas marketing industry is still in a developing stage. Despite the fact that Japanese tourist sites and manga and anime culture are in very high demand from overseas people, there is a current situation where appropriate information is not delivered from overseas to Japan, or from Japan to overseas.

In particular, in the Kansai area, there are few companies that do overseas marketing as a business, and there is an issue that attractive culture and products buried in Kansai have not yet been able to be disseminated to the world.

When considering why we haven't been able to develop this market, what can be cited as the biggest factor is the “language barrier.” Simply being able to speak a foreign language, and if you don't understand the culture and customs of that country, you can't develop a marketing strategy.

We think the fact that human resources with overseas knowledge have not been able to play an active role in Japan, and that there are still few companies that can play an active role is also a major issue in the overseas marketing industry.

Osaka Expo and IGNITE

Inbound demand to Osaka

The Osaka-Kansai Expo will be held in 2025. The time is approaching when people from all over the world are interested in the place called Osaka. IGNITE is at the cutting edge of the increasingly accelerated inbound flow leading up to the Osaka Expo, and hopes to liven up the overseas marketing business as much as possible to become a key player in disseminating the appeal of Osaka companies and stores around the world.

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We in 2030

Going forward, we would like to be a team that can convey the appeal of the Osaka/Kansai area to the world as a leader in the overseas marketing industry in the Kansai area. Furthermore, we are also focusing on system development so that bilingual human resources can fully demonstrate their abilities, and aim to spread workplaces where everyone can work comfortably regardless of nationality or culture.

Businesses revolving around marketing

IGNITE is implementing marketing-centered business development. Businesses need profits to develop, and people generate those profits. We would like to increase the number of foreign customers and contribute to Japan's economic revitalization by implementing appropriate marketing measures for the large overseas market.

Creating an environment where bilingual human resources can play an active role

Even if you can speak both your native language and your second language, there are still not many companies in Japan that can demonstrate their skills. Bilingual human resources have great potential to revitalize the economy in the future. Promoting an environment where multinational human resources can work comfortably is one of IGNITE's major missions.

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