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For those of you who are interested in IGNITE

We will introduce the thoughts of executives and global members.

Osaka Expo and IGNITE

Inbound demand to Osaka

The Osaka-Kansai Expo will be held in 2025. The time is approaching when people from all over the world are interested in the place called Osaka. IGNITE is at the cutting edge of the increasingly accelerated inbound flow leading up to the Osaka Expo, and hopes to liven up the overseas marketing business as much as possible to become a key player in disseminating the appeal of Osaka companies and stores around the world.


We in 2030

Going forward, we would like to be a team that can convey the appeal of the Osaka/Kansai area to the world as a leader in the overseas marketing industry in the Kansai area. Furthermore, we are also focusing on system development so that bilingual human resources can fully demonstrate their abilities, and aim to spread workplaces where everyone can work comfortably regardless of nationality or culture.

Businesses revolving around marketing

IGNITE is implementing marketing-centered business development. Businesses need profits to develop, and people generate those profits. We would like to increase the number of foreign customers and contribute to Japan's economic revitalization by implementing appropriate marketing measures for the large overseas market.

Creating an environment where bilingual human resources can play an active role

Even if you can speak both your native language and your second language, there are still not many companies in Japan that can demonstrate their skills. Bilingual human resources have great potential to revitalize the economy in the future. Promoting an environment where multinational human resources can work comfortably is one of IGNITE's major missions.

Management Message

Representative Director and CEO Yoshiaki Kosuge

I want to liven up Kansai people and companies with the aim of becoming Kansai No. 1 in the overseas marketing industry

What led to the launch of IGNITE

I myself was born and raised half New Zealand and half Japanese. What I felt when I came to Japan in 2013 is that there are very few fields where bilinguals can play an active role. Since we understand both Japanese and foreign languages and cultures, we were studying marketing with the thought that there must always be fields we can contribute to, and I came to see the issue that the marketing field for overseas markets is still weak in Japan.

In particular, in the Kansai area where I lived, there were very few companies developing overseas marketing, and as a bilingual person, I often get consultations from the corporate side. I was surprised that there was so much demand for bilingual marketing, and at the same time, I felt that there was great potential in developing this as a business, so I launched IGNITE.

What IGNITE wants to bring to society

First, I would like to further expand my overseas marketing business and spread the appeal of people, companies, and culture living in the Kansai area more and more to the world. Kansai is a region that is still less known to the world than Kansai people might think. Since Japan is in such high demand in the global market, I would like to use the power of marketing to support the development of Japan, especially the Kansai area where we live.

We would also like to contribute to creating an environment where bilinguals can play an active role. I have been keenly aware firsthand that the environment is still not ready in the Kansai area. I would be happy if IGNITE embodies a workplace where everyone can make the most of their strengths, even in different countries and cultures, and expand that environment to other companies.

What kind of people would you like to work with

IGNITE is committed to creating an environment where each member can work proactively with discretion. Therefore, it is a company suitable for people who can work positively and independently on any kind of work.

It's still a young company, so rather than relying solely on the company to proceed with work, I think it's the perfect environment for people with high ambition to run the company together or grow themselves together with the company.

By all means, let's grow IGNITE with us and liven up Kansai.

Director and CMO Daisuke Kawabata

Breaking down the wall between Japan and overseas

Daisuke Kawabata

What made you join IGNITE

I myself had the experience of traveling as a backpacker to Australia and Asian countries for about a year and a half in the past, and I was interested in jobs related to overseas.

Therefore, I was very attracted to IGNITE's business content, which links overseas and Japan, and as I talked with the representative Kosuge many times, I had many opportunities to come into contact with his thoughts on Japan and his desire to liven up Osaka, and gradually my desire to be involved in IGNITE's business became stronger.

Of course, putting myself in a new environment isn't easy, but since I only live once, I decided to join IGNITE as an executive because I wanted to challenge myself to do what I wanted to do.

The future vision we want to aim for as IGNITE

We have a goal of becoming a company that can accelerate global business development from Japan to overseas, or from overseas to Japan. The current situation is that there is still a wall between Japanese and overseas markets, and I hope to promote Japan or Osaka to the world by providing services that can break down those barriers.

Also, as a tourism-oriented country, Japan aims to attract 60 million tourists by 2030, so IGNITE would like to aim to be an entity that can contribute to that.

What kind of people would you like to work with

IGNITE is a very liberal workplace, but the members have a very strong sense of responsibility. Instead of just working on what they are told, they are deepening learning with positive alpha and increasing the value provided to clients, and each of them acts with independence. Therefore, IGNITE is perfect for those who can think things for themselves and those who have a strong sense of curiosity.

Also, I believe that we can survive in the future society if we have the three skills: web marketing, English, and communication skills. I would like to work with people who want to improve these skills and liven up IGNITE.

Global members

Under the mission of “connecting Japan and the world,” IGNITE gathers bilingual experts who love Japan from around the world and forms a professional team. Therefore, it is possible to handle a wide range of operations not only in the Kansai area and Japan, where they are based, but also in America, New Zealand, China, the Philippines, Nigeria, and other countries.

A place where you can make the most of your steps

Each member has an original story from their birth to the present.

At IGNITE, we believe that these different experiences create each person's individuality and values, and will be a weapon for generating diverse ideas and skills.

The ability of each member to approach each issue faced by the client from a multifaceted perspective leads to problem resolution.

A multinational hybrid team formed on a global stage

The global members belonging to IGNITE all have different personalities, not only in terms of origin and language, but also in terms of background, customs, religion, etc.

We believe that not only can they speak a foreign language, but because they are members who have a deep understanding of that country's culture and customs, they can create accurate marketing strategies and creatives.

Solution teams for each project

At IGNITE, members are organized according to each project.

Consider the skills, experience, and compatibility with each of them, and work,

We have adopted such a mechanism so that the team can provide maximum results.


By discerning the essence of clients' concerns and issues and developing accurate marketing strategies, we efficiently and reliably lead to the results they seek.


It's not just a literal translation; team members with a deep understanding of the country's culture and customs are involved in the translation, so we can deliver high quality localized translations.


From the perspective of overseas users, IGNITE's global members plan and produce effective content that makes use of diverse perspectives.


We support the success of marketing measures by developing CRM (customer management systems) and CMS (content management systems) that support marketing.

Marketer and COO Hiroki M
Hiroki M
Marketer, COO

We constantly pursue customer benefits, such as marketing, advertising, and seminar management. He is also fluent in English.

Marketer and COO Hiroki M
Kouki T

A global web designer who specializes in a wide range of design media.

Content creator Erika S
Erika S
content creator
New Zealand

A JA/EN bilingual content creator who specializes in localizing Japanese subcultures.

Content manager Moeko M
Moeko M
content manager

Oversees everything related to content, such as writing, SEO, SNS operation, etc. English content is also supported.

PR Assistant Aiko S
Aiko S
PR assistants

A local promotion specialist in Japan who is familiar with managing branding campaigns to raise awareness and reach when entering the market.

Ad media planner Mami S
Mami S
advertising media planner

PPC, DSP, and social media advertising specialist.

Social media manager Moeka N
Moeka N
social media manager

Bilingual Japanese social media marketer raised in the US and experienced in promoting various companies and brands.

Content Editor Erika T
Erika T
content editor

Japanese and language specialist with experience in copywriting and SEO and proficient in editing.

Content Team Editor Hanna P
Hanna P
Content team editors

A US-based content writer and team editor, responsible for ensuring quality and consistency across all content production projects.

Team leader Tanner A
Tanner A
team leader

A Japanese-English bilingual junior team leader based in Hawaii who practices foreign staff management and infrastructure development.

Translator Dario Z
Dario Z

An EN/JA/IT trilingual translation/localization specialist from Italy, involved in a wide range of tourism and global projects.

Translator Jasmine C
Jasmine C

EN/JA/CH bilingual translator living in the US. He has extensive expertise in video media and content translation projects.

Translator Aneka S
Aneka S

A Japanese-English translator who is familiar with translating Japanese food, culture, and lifestyle.

Content creator Jayson W
Jayson W
content creator

A bilingual content writer familiar with a wide range of fields such as literature, history, literature, and classics.

Content creator Nikolas T
Nikolas T
content creator

Japanese-English bilingual translator and global content creator familiar with Japanese business and economy.

Translator Mona O
Mona O
New Zealand

A JA/EN bilingual translator who specializes in translating beauty and fashion products and media.

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