Get to know the policy

Basic training policy

The human resources that IGNITE wants to develop are those who will continue to challenge the future while growing themselves. Therefore, we are creating an environment where people can act with independence and supporting skill improvement.

6 action guidelines

We believe that if all members face the same direction and carry out their work, it will lead to the success of each project and the growth of the business.

To that end, IGNITE has established 6 action guidelines to align the perceptions of each member.

Responsibility and independence create an environment of freedom

There are many job seekers who want to “work freely” and “want to grow in an environment with a lot of discretion.” Certainly, work with freedom and discretion is rewarding and very appealing, and we are conscious of such a work environment.

On the other hand, in order to achieve these, it is essential for each person to take responsibility, work with independence, and improve their skills. In order to achieve an ideal work environment, IGNITE has established 6 action guidelines, and members are asked to put these into practice.


  • Balance between freedom and responsibility
    IGNITE has a flexible work system with attendance, remote work, and is a free environment. However, the responsibility of each person is essential. It is only when you take responsibility for your work and get it done will lead to trust. In order to build this relationship of trust and proceed smoothly with work, please make it important for each person to always be aware of the balance between freedom and responsibility when working.

  • Do your own research first
    It's not an environment where other members are always next to you, so you may not be able to ask what you don't understand when you like. So what we want you to keep in mind is that you get into the habit of doing your own research first. If you ask someone to solve anything, it will become a way of working that depends on that person. Please be aware of the method of work where you first do your own research, then sort out what you don't understand and then discuss it.

  • Keep studying with interest
    Web marketing is an industry that changes a lot, and we must continue to improve our skills in line with those changes. Therefore, the important thing is to keep studying. Web marketing is packed with various fields such as design, advertising, SEO, and programming. Find a field you are interested in, and aim to be a human resource who can adapt to changes by continuing to study that field.

  • Customer Thoughts
    The essence of marketing is to solve customer problems. It is important to always be aware of the customer's perspective, such as what issues the customer sees and how the product looks to the customer. We believe that it is only by facing the product from the customer's perspective and acquiring the ability to delve into and think through strengths and selected points that will lead to successful marketing.

  • Asynchronous communication
    Asynchronous communication is communication where the other party can check the content and communicate when they want to confirm it even if they are not always connected to the other party in real time, such as taking a video, recording audio, or communicating via text. We work in different locations and time zones, and we believe it is important to use asynchronous communication in order to respond carefully and reliably to each project.

  • Try anything
    In overseas marketing, there are so many uncertainties when solving problems, and it is necessary to derive answers by moving hands rather than moving hands after finding an answer. Therefore, it is important not to end up searching for answers, but to have the ability to act voluntarily to try everything yourself first. We believe that having the mindset of trying anything first and finding answers through repeated trial and error will lead to success in overseas marketing.

3 conditions for nurturing independent people

An environment that fosters execution ability to “try it first”

If you are aware of your ability to think and move for yourself, you will learn naturally. Of course, when there are unclear points or when you are uneasy, the team supports each other, but the environment where you have to manage yourself creates a mindset of “think for yourself first” and “take on challenges for the time being,” and you can train them as execution skills.

Get in touch with other occupations and improve your ambition

If you narrow down the tasks to one, it's easy to improve, but as you get used to the job, the work becomes a routine, and you lose your ability to apply it. IGNITE has set up opportunities to experience other types of work as a way to avoid getting stuck in work and increase ambition and motivation for work. By experiencing other tasks, my understanding of the company as a whole deepens, and we believe that it can also be an opportunity to improve my skills by leading to the discovery of new areas of expertise for myself.

A well-ventilated workplace

IGNITE has a culture of calling people by first names, and there is a culture where opinions are openly accepted regardless of position, age, or position. We strive to create a friendly and flat environment so that team members can take initiative and work in a relaxed manner. We want to be as close to each opinion and request as possible, so there is also a corporate culture of entrusting more and more work to people who actively raise their hands.

Key Skills Acquired at IGNITE


As we get involved in business, the marketing skills that are the main focus of IGNITE will always be involved somewhere. Since it is set around the world, it will be refined not only in Japan but also as an overseas marketing skill that transcends national borders.

Understanding diversity

At IGNITE, where many bilinguals are enrolled, diverse languages and cultures come and go in business. While this diversity has benefits, it can also create barriers. Understanding diversity is an important skill not only for understanding a team, but also for proceeding flexibly with work.

project management

It takes a great deal of effort to structure, schedule, manage, and operate even a small project. However, this skill is essential for work, and if you acquire it, you can handle any task smoothly. At the same time, you'll also develop problem solving skills and decision-making skills.

Analytical ability

In order to continue leading the way in overseas marketing, “the ability to grasp and analyze the current situation” is extremely important in the web industry, where information is exchanged and changes are constant. In a new environment that is constantly changing, in order to grasp facts without being distracted by opinions or actions, logical thinking ability to objectively and structurally grasp information is also necessary.


It is a very important skill when working at IGNITE, and it is something you can learn naturally by being aware of it. The ability to think for oneself and act on one's own will be useful everywhere, not limited to future work.


It's a skill where you take the initiative to try to solve problems and lead people. At IGNITE, roles change depending on the project, so there are opportunities to be entrusted with the task of managing people. As a leader, by moving people, you will also acquire communication skills, independence, and the ability to create organizations.

Each work style realizes “freedom and responsibility”

IGNITE has adopted a “flextime system” to respect each person's way of life.

Where and when you can focus on work depends on each person's lifestyle. Also, it is unfortunate for both parties that when they have to move to a far place due to family circumstances, they have to quit the company they are used to.

We have introduced these systems in order to create an environment where everyone can work with peace of mind even in such cases, and to have them spend every day in an efficient and fulfilling time.

IGNITE's working environment

In order to improve work-life balance, we believe it is necessary for the company to establish the necessary systems to achieve this.

We are thoroughly implementing an environment where each member can work actively.

Improve your skills while working

In addition to simply being passive in their work, we want them to value goals such as what kind of human resources they want to aim for and what kind of skills they want to acquire.

The company will also focus on backing up each person to grow through each business toward their goals.

Promoting diversity and inclusion

IGNITE has multinational members. IGNITE accepts diversity and is working to create an environment and change attitudes so that all team members can achieve maximum growth and success.

We believe that each individual's diverse values are an advantage. Regardless of attributes such as race, gender, age, religion, etc., we respect and recognize each person and make use of their individual strengths. We are promoting diversity and inclusion so that each can demonstrate their full potential.

In-house system

In order to exist as a company that makes people think “working is rewarding” and “there is a sense of growth,”

IGNITE is focusing on improving internal systems.

Currently, we have adopted various systems based on the two points of “ease of work” and “ease of growth.”

Going forward, I would like to incorporate ideas from the exchange of opinions with members and flexibly incorporate new systems.

Creating an environment where each person can shine will lead to company growth.

A company is built by each and every “person” belonging to it. Therefore, in order for the company to grow, we think it is important to first create an environment where each member can shine brightly.

IGNITE is focusing not only on the aspect of “ease of work,” but also on the “support system” for growth. We have created many opportunities for learning, such as creating a system to support the improvement of “English” skills essential for work, and a book system that bears the responsibility for purchasing books related to business content.

Flextime system

The characteristic of the flextime system is that there is no core time, and you can start work at any time. Since the start time of work can be changed depending on the day, it is also possible to set up a work schedule according to private convenience.

We want every day to be fulfilled by responsibly managing ourselves.

Support for improving English proficiency

English proficiency is essential for working at IGNITE. We are providing grants for TOIEC exam fees for the purpose of improving English proficiency.

Book system

If there are books you need, you can buy them at the company. Information is our capital in overseas marketing. We spare no investment in information.

Click here to apply

If you are considering applying to IGNITE, please use the application form below.